Compiling key harm reduction resources

Harm Reduction International is a leading international source of information on reducing drug-related harms and the global harm reduction response. Working in collaboration with a wide range of international partners, Harm Reduction International’s Public Health Programme produces a variety of key reports and briefing papers each year, designed not only to document emerging issues in the field, but also to inform harm reduction advocacy at the national, regional and international levels.

Harm Reduction International’s primary initiative in this regard is the Global State of Harm Reduction, a major report published bi-annually, but also maintained as an online resource containing up-to-date information on harm reduction policy and programming around the world, including:

  • National and regional data on injecting drug use and HIV
  • National and regional information on the scale-up of harm reduction programmes and interventions
  • National information on government policy commitments to harm reduction
  • Policy statements in support of harm reduction from UN and other multilateral agencies
  • Information on Harm Reduction NGOs working in various regions

Harm Reduction International’s document collections bring together the key resources on issues such as overdose and overdose prevention, tobacco harm reduction, alcohol harm reduction, policing and harm reduction and HIV prevention for people who inject drugs.
Harm Reduction International also monitors and documents international donor spending on HIV-related harm reduction, in an effort to advocate for increased national and international financial support for harm reduction interventions. Harm Reduction International calculates that current spending on HIV-related harm reduction is approximately 3 cents per day per injector, an amount wholly insufficient to halt or begin to reverse injecting-related HIV around the world.

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